Friday, 23 April 2010

An unexpected Happy day by Angela

I can remember exactly that was my graduation day!!!!

It was summer and very warm...everything was ready, my thesis, my dresses and I felt very excited.
I did not sleep the days before, but then I went to the University and I started the discussion of my project research.

I could not believe, at the end of the discussion all professors congratulated me...and then I realised that I had finished!!! I remenber mam's and daddy's eyes, they were very proud of me...and then my friends, I have to thank them for their advises and their moral support.

The funniest thing happened after the discussion. My friends organized for me a unexpected party!!It was very nice, my friends planned everything, they found the place, the dj for music...we danced all the night and everybody had fun!!

At the end of the day I was very tierd, but at the same time satisfied and proud of myself  because finally I had achieved one of my ambitions.

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